Repurposing your life-to-career ratio
Redesigning and optimizing your brand
And bringing it to life with content creation
Want to fulfill your desire for business ownership?
I have always felt the call to business ownership was not just a personal passion of mine, but also a calling.
I have had the distinct pleasure of coaching and consulting other individuals who were like me. They loved their corporate work, the stability, structure, and sometimes recognition it brought them, but they had a consuming inner conflict because of their burning desire to launch and maintain their own successful business- something they can call their own, and by it, pass on legacy. Who am I talking to?
I believe there is nothing "by chance" about this desire. I think in most cases, this desire comes from a very authentic place within us. A place that is within our spirits. Providing a service or a product is a calling that we are either beholden to in our dreams or our realities. And I believe there is a way to begin fulfilling this desire in real life, right now.
Whether you are starting a business or needing a partner to help you scale your marketing and brand pres
Dear Fellow Entrepreneur and Visionary
If you want help bringing your business idea to life, developing your professional image, understanding who you are here to serve, and finding the right words to sell your story to your audience: someone you can trust to unload your precious ideas and help you bring them to fruition, then we really need to talk!
It is so important that you express your gifts to the world. And no one intentionally gives birth without a midwife or someone who has seen it done before. Many times we have a God-given dream that we are sitting on because we've been given a vision, we've just never unpacked the vision into steps that manifest into our businesses. Let's talk! Can't wait to hear from you!
Services by Cole Concepts
A selection of services that help develop or improve the way you do business. Take a moment to select the one that best fits your needs and schedule a consultation with me to discuss how I can help.
CLICK ON THE IMAGE BELOW for my Slide Deck of Services:
Your brand identity is how your business shows up in the world. There are hints of your business within your personality. Let's build upon your vision and develop your business authentically.
Are you at a loss for words to accurately, passionately and professionally describe your services? That's my jam! Give me a call!
Do you want to explore how to optimize yourself and create clear-cut goals to create personal objectives, win at them and at your career objectives? All you need is a coach to help you grow the seeds you have already planted.
Your brand identity is how your business shows up in the world. There are hints of your business within your personality. Let's build upon your vision and develop your business authentically.
Love Notes Journal
The Busy Woman's Companion Journal
I created Love Notes Journal for Women of Faith, as a guided self-care and affirmations journal to accompany women who do not find the time to prioritize themselves. If you are like me, you have thought about bringing your life into harmony with proper self-care, but as quickly as the thought arrived, you were on to the next task at hand. I'm not saying that our daily tasks are not important, but we would be better equipped to handle them if we took the much-needed time to truly care for ourselves!